S wide Large Area 3D Optical Metrology System


19 March 2020 ||


Sensofar Metrology has announced the launch of the new metrology tool for wide area 3D optical profiling – the S wide.

S wide Large Area 3D Optical Metrology Tool

The S wide is a dedicated system designed to rapidly measure large sample areas up to 300 x 300 mm.

It provides the entire benefits of a digital microscope integrated into a high resolution measuring instrument. It is Extremely easy-to-use with one single button acquisition.

Tablet Cover

It gives fantastic solution for the following applications:

  • Advanced manufacturing
  • Archeology & Paleontology
  • Consumer electronics
  • Medical devices
  • Molding
  • Optics
  • Watch industry

The system can measure roughness of 1 µm and stepheight of 2.5 µm over the entire extended area.

The system is equipped with Bi-telecentric lenses with very low field distortion providing accurate metrology. Its field of view can be as big as 34.7 X  29.1 mm2.