Confocal Raman Microscope alpha300 R is a New Dimension in Raman Microscopy: Ultra-fast & high resolution chemical imaging.
The confocal Raman imaging system alpha300 R offers the unique ability to acquire chemical information non-destructively with a resolution down to the optical diffraction limit (~ 200 nm). This allows you to observe and analyze the distribution of different phases within a sample in ambient conditions without specialized sample preparation. Because of the confocal setup, it is not only possible to collect information from the sample surface, but also to look deep inside transparent samples and even obtain 3D information.
A complete Raman spectrum is acquired at each image pixel, resulting in images consisting of tens of thousands of spectra. The acquisition time for one spectrum is only in the range of milliseconds, resulting in complete images being collected in a matter of minutes. When analyzing dedicated peak characteristics of the spectra, a variety of images can be generated using only a single set of data. This allows you not only to image the distribution of chemical compounds, but also to analyze, for example crystallinity or material stress properties. A highly sophisticated and efficient combination of filters integrated within the microscope, together with the UHTS300 Raman spectroscopy system and the use ofthe most sensitive detectors, guarantee cutting-edge resolution and unrivaled sensitivity.
In addition to the imaging capabilities, the system can also be used to collect Raman spectra at selected sample areas and along arbitrary lines or to acquire time series.
The system can be upgraded with AFM and SNOM capabilities.
AFM Upgrade for the Confocal Raman Microscope
The AFM upgrade option allows the user to equip their Confocal Raman Microscope with Atomic Force Microscopy capabilities for structural and topographic surface imaging on the nanometer scale.
Switching between AFM and Raman mode is achieved by just rotating the microscope turret without physically moving or transferring the sample.
Topography data can then be easily linked to the chemical information of the same sample area for a more comprehensive sample analysis.
The AFM and Raman Imaging features are accessible by using a single software environment.
AFM can be purchased as standalone system- the alpha 300A
SNOM upgrade for the Confocal Raman Microscope
The SNOM (Scanning Near-field Optical Microscopy) upgrade combines Confocal/Raman Microscopy, AFM and SNOM in a single instrument.
All the features of the combined system are controlled by the modular WITec Software environment, allowing complete data and image post processing.
Using WITec’s unique and patented high-transmission cantilever SNOM-sensors, SNOM and topography images can be obtained simultaneously. For Confocal /Raman measurements, only a simple rotation of the objective turret is necessary to switch between the modes. These micro-fabricated Cantilever SNOM-sensors significantly outperform standard fiber optic probes in resolution, transmission, ease of operation and reliability. The cantilever, employing the well-established beam deflection principle for distance control, features a hollow pyramid with an aperture at its apex. This allows topography and optical images to be acquired simultaneously.
SNOM can be purchased as standalone system- the alpha 300S