Particles Characterization

Particles Characterization Products Line

We offer the Cordouan Technologies SAS Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) for Particle Size Analyzing systems for particles Size characterization. The technology enables the measurement of suspensions/emulsions under true sample conditions, without dilution, in high concentrations, Even when the suspension is dark or opaqe

Cordouan Technologies Using Laser Doppler Electrophoresis (LDE) Zeta Potential analysis including measurement of the mobility, conductivity, and the temperature of a suspensions.


 Wallis Zeta Potential System

Wallis Zeta Potential Analyzer System

Thetis pictureThetis Nano Particles Analyzer


Amerigo Nano Particles Sizing & Zeta Potential Analyzer

Vasco KinVasco Kin 


Vasco Particles Size Analyzer System

Vasco Particle Size Analyzer

Home Products Particles Characterization